The Heart of Angama Mara
28 January 2019 | Inside Angama | Kate Fitzgerald Boyd

In the safari industry the Fitzgerald name is widely known. Steve and Nicky’s reputation (otherwise known to me as Mum and Dad) as hoteliers across Southern Africa, East Africa and India spanned 35 years with their swan song being the family-operated Angama Mara, high up on Kenya’s Rift Valley.
There is no doubt in my, or anyone else’s mind, that Angama Mara simply would not exist without my father having a crazy dream and the courage to see it through almost four years ago. Many would say that he was the heart of Angama Mara. Those who think this would not be wrong, but as there are there two chambers to every heart, please can I tell you the story behind the second chamber in Angama Mara’s heart.

For those of you who knew my father, you would surely agree that he was synonymous with the word ‘heart’ for so many reasons – he was kind, warm and loving. But his greatest weakness was literally his heart, a medical battle he fought for years and complications following a successful transplant was ultimately what took him from us all.
This brings me back to why I am pouring my heart out all over this blog. Because I need to talk about the second chamber of the Heart of Angama Mara. The team that works from the Mara, to Nairobi and down to Johannesburg is the second chamber of this heart. Every day they ensure that guest delight is everyone’s business and that kindness, warmth and love are brought to each one of our guest’s stays.

As my father’s heart started to fail during the last two years of his life, the second chamber of Angama Mara took over and did all it could to carry the business forward. The 140-strong Angama family still do, led by Nicky. But I digress, while my father was ill the Angama family prayed and prayed and prayed some more for his health to return.

When the day came to finally say goodbye, in lieu of flowers, my mother and I requested donations be made to the Angama Foundation for a project that we would dedicate in his memory. In early 2018, we knew what we had to build… a little chapel at the lodge to thank our Angama family for the hours they spent praying for Steve.

On 13 December 2018, the day my father would have turned 65, we opened the beautiful chapel to song and praise from the community that surely could be heard across the Rift Valley.
With a design lovingly gifted by Silvio and Les, hand-carved pews and stained-glass windows, the Angama Chapel sits at the very heart of the property overlooking the Garden of Remembrance, where in the middle is a fig tree growing strong above the plaque “Steve Fitzgerald”. I urge you to visit the chapel when you next visit us and listen closely – I am sure you will hear the sounds of prayer. And song. And love.

Irene Grilo
January 29, 2019Dear Kate, What a beautiful and touching way you chose in words to tell about this beautiful and sacred spot. I have no doubt that your beloved Dad is happy, watching from above, to you, your Mum and grandchild. And all the ones who love him dearly. For love is eternal. Sending you all my Love & Light. Irene
REPLYNicky Fitzgerald
January 29, 2019Thank you dearest Irene – he would have been tickled pink ?
REPLYSamantha Terblanche
January 29, 2019Beautifully written Katie, and such a fitting tribute, he will always be in so many of our hearts, he really had a wonderful impact on people. And he would be oh so proud of you, the “little fig” didn’t fall far from the tree xx Sending love to you all
REPLYNicky Fitzgerald
January 29, 2019Thank you dearest Sam – we miss him so
January 29, 2019Such beautiful words and what a loving tribute to Steve! We will look forward to visiting the chapel when next at Angama:):)
REPLYNicky Fitzgerald
January 29, 2019Please come back soon
January 29, 2019Kate what a profound and touching tribute to the heart of Angama. We have known of the special winds albeit felt their magic whenever our feet have touched the Angama soul and soil. We look forward to coming through again and again to bathe in this magic and light. To all left behind take heart even as you dance to this light.. strong to the end.
REPLYNicky Fitzgerald
January 29, 2019What a beautiful message – thank you so much Lucy
REPLYNina Tryon
January 29, 2019Beautiful words for a beautiful man. Sending you so much love x
REPLYNicky Fitzgerald
January 29, 2019Thank you dearest Nina xxx
REPLYAnnette Magni
January 30, 2019My dearest Katie, beautiful words for a very great man; you’re so blessed to have had the most wonderful Dad. I hope one day to see this chapel, to sit quietly & remember the happy years with your Dad; I miss him!
REPLYKatie Pitman
January 30, 2019Dearest Katie and Nicky…
REPLYWe could not think of a more fitting dedication to the amazing Steve! That second chamber will beat loudly always and those trees will continue to grow amongst all the animal song xxx
Nicky Fitzgerald
January 30, 2019Thank you dearest Katie
REPLYWe are waiting for your return
Much love
Nicky, Kate & the Angama Family
Gill Studd
February 3, 2019Nicky and Kate ….. a most fitting and moving tribute and memorial to Steve (Dad) who touched hearts and minds wherever he lived, worked and loved.
REPLYNicky Fitzgerald
February 5, 2019Hi Gill – lovely hearing from you and please come and see us soon x Nicky & Kate
REPLYJames Fitzgerald
February 4, 2019Beautiful words Katie – so true!
REPLYHe would be so proud of what the “second chamber” has managed to pull off!
All my love
Nicky Fitzgerald
February 5, 2019Thank you for this lovely message dear Jim