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Alison Mitchell
Annemarie Meintjes
Azei Lago
Duncan Butchart
Ian Dommisse
James Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Thige
Kate Fitzgerald Boyd
Lesley Fox
Michael Boyd
Mwikali Ndambo
Nicky Fitzgerald
Ryan Brown
Shannon Davis
Steve Fitzgerald
Steve Mitchell
Stratton Hatfield
Sue van Winsen
Tyler Davis

Featured Story

Clear Eyes, Cheerful Hearts, Can’t Lose 2 December 2022 While all eyes have been on the football happening in Qatar, we have been equally as transfixed by a tournament a bit closer to home — the annual Mara Cup By Bonface Wesonga
Please Don’t Ask Nicky What Comes Next 7 March 2022 40 years ago, on 10 July 1982, Nicky stood at the front door of the 11-roomed Arniston Hotel on the southernmost tip of Africa and welcomed her first guests. 60 plus hotels and lodges later — with a few restaurants thrown in for good measure — she bids farewell to an industry she loves deeply By Nicky Fitzgerald
Seasons of Love 15 June 2021 As we celebrate Angama’s birthday, Nicky wonders – how do you begin to measure the love that has been poured into our lodge over the past six years? By Nicky Fitzgerald
Redefining Growth 30 March 2021 As Shannon’s time at Angama draws to a close, she reflects on her time and her personal journey – finding meaning in resolve, and fulfilment in effort By Shannon Davis
A Runner’s High 16 February 2021 Shannon finds community and a new sense of accomplishment after running the UltraMARAthon - a 50km race through the Mara’s Conservancies By Shannon Davis
Life Under Lockdown In The Mara 19 May 2020 Surprise and envy are two of the most common reactions Tyler Davis gets from those who learn he is living out his ‘lockdown’ in the vast Maasai Mara. He tells us what the typical day entails By Tyler Davis
Born to Run 5 May 2020 Far away from the rolling grasslands of the Mara, members of the Angama Running Club took to the streets of Nairobi along with hundreds of other runners to participate in the annual Beyond Zero Marathon By Mwikali Ndambo
Run With A Kenyan 10 March 2020 In November 2019, the GRITMEDIA team put their athletic prowess to the test with  famed Maasai long-distance runners By John Hafner
The Chicken Run 11 February 2020 If you’re up early enough, there’s a very special event that takes place in the Shamba each morning. It may even be worth missing an early morning departure for your safari. By Sue van Winsen
Here We Are Where We Ought To Be 4 February 2020 Inspired by Karen Blixen much quoted saying from Out of Africa, we are delighted to share the exciting news of our next development: the Angama Mara Map Room. Architects Sandy and Dan flew from Seattle to the Mara to design it for us and this is Sandy’s story By Sandy Wolf
Beautiful Kitchen Chaos 14 January 2020 From evading wild animals on his morning commute, to serving up sizzling steaks grilled to perfect at Forest BBQ, this is a day in the life of Elias, also known as Chef Chimichurri or Nanka – take your pick By Elias Nanka
Let the Games Begin 16 December 2019 Think twice before unleashing 85 Kenyans in any form of competition… By Shannon Davis
From Seed to Plate 3 December 2019 Our garden design fundi, Ian Dommisse, recounts the story of earth-to-mouth that happens each day thanks to Angama Mara’s lovely Shamba By Ian Dommisse
When The Warriors Went On Safari 29 October 2019 In celebration of Kenya’s Day of Independence, Madaraka Day, warriors from a nearby village joined photographer Jeff Thige and guide Daniel and went on their very first safari out in the Mara By Robert Kiprotich
From Pied Crow* to Suspended in Mid Air** 15 October 2019 We delight in sharing the history of Angama Mara and this week’s story, written by our dear friend Sarah, offers our readers not only a peek into times gone by but is also a story with a romantic ending By Guest Author
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