Home to some of Kenya’s most iconic scenes, Amboseli is renowned for some of the densest populations of elephant in East Africa — and its presence of the last Super Tusker elephants — often seen marching single file across the dusty cracked earth. Presided over by the highest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro, this is truly a land of giants.
Amboseli is the land of the elephant — and home to the famed Super Tuskers, elephants whose tusks brush the ground and can weigh more than 100lbs each. There are estimated to be less than fifty Super Tuskers left in Africa, the majority of whom are regularly spotted in the Amboseli region.
Between these giants and the large herds that can be seen criss-crossing the plains, Amboseli is the place for exceptional elephant viewing.
Mount Kilimanjaro, the tallest free-standing mountain in the world with her three peaks of Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira, towers over the wildlife, savannah and hills in this part of southern Kenya. ‘Kili’, as she is known, is sometimes shy, peering out from behind clouds throughout the day, but when she does, her snow-capped peaks are unmistakable.