How P came to Be

23 October 2017 | Inside Angama |

Reading Time: 3 MINUTES

Angama Mara's Regional Director couple Shannon and Tyler Davis share the story of their new bundle of joy in the form of a delightful poem inspired by Dr. Seuss

After a dozen years together, enjoying being just two
We sat and we thought (it wasn’t out of the blue)
Let’s add one more to our story right now
So this is the tale of when P came and how

With the lodge in good hands, full of great care
By the amazing Angama staff who are always prepared
For every guest, every detail, every delight we have taught
More possibilities than we ever could have thought
For the time was right, right now, you see,
For a baby to join the Angama Family

And soon the day came when the bump first appeared
A bump? Is it so? Or too many Best Burgers, I fear!
And whispers and rumours around camp became clear
A baby would be born in April this year!


As the bump grew large, I waddled some more
Fearing at times I wouldn’t fit through the door
So many good wishes and smiles came our way
From our colleagues and guests who came to stay

But the questions they came, just as many you know
Are you scared? Are you crazy? Will you just go with the flow?
Who is your doctor? Where will you have the baby?
What happens in an emergency? Will he be Kenyan, maybe?

But I feared not, for every check-up and feeling I had
All pointed to healthy and feelings of glad
As a nurse, I kept calm, trusting myself no doubt
“Oh, we’ll be fine in the bush” I tried not to shout!

Now I’m not that crazy, let’s back up and see
Four weeks before our “family-to-be”
I left for Nairobi to sit and to wait
Until our angel’s delivery date


Stubborn as his momma, he was all turned around
His head was up and his bum was down
A breech baby he was and stayed that way
So we prepped for a C-section but hoped that he may
At the last minute turn down but, pole, no luck
Time was approaching to meet this little duck

Ty flew in a day before
Our scheduled op to meet and adore
This little baby that still stubbornly lay
But tomorrow was too long to wait and delay
Within hours of dad-to-be’s arrival that day
Baby boy in a hurry was on his way!

So much for planning. No, this boy wanted out!
Labouring 2.5 hours, he was out with a shout!
This miracle of life suddenly captured our hearts
This magical boy with all his tiny parts
Blessed to be healthy, safe and problem-free
Mom baby and dad; a new family!
Now back in the bush enjoying each day
I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Inspired by Dr. Seuss – it’s a favourite in the Daviii household at the moment

Tyler and Baby P

Note from the Editor: We have had a flush of babes at Angama Mara over the past 12 months – too many to count.
Perrin Lincoln Davis, now 6 months old, can be spotted back of house at the lodge – please be sure to look out for him when you next visit us. The collective term for the Davis family by three went from Davii to Daviii. How many more ‘i’s’ we wonder?

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AUTHOR: Shannon and Tyler Davis

As many of our loyal readers know, Shannon and Tyler Davis are the on-property regional directors at Angama Mara. They have explored Kenya from top to bottom and shared many of their stories on this blog. The beautiful images taken during their Ethiopian adventure were simply too good not to share. Their offbeat/high energy travels in the near future may be somewhat curtailed by the arrival of their baby late in April but watch this blog for ‘Travels in East Africa with a Baby’ – should make for some fun reading.

Francis Bagbey
October 24, 2017

Great poetry, great picture! Congratulations and may you three have a wonderful life together….at least before he becomes a teenager!

October 24, 2017

Beautiful poem for a beautiful family xxxx

October 24, 2017

I loved this and the photos too. What a lucky little man he is to grow up in beautiful Angama with the wonderful Angama family.

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