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Alison Mitchell
Annemarie Meintjes
Azei Lago
Duncan Butchart
Ian Dommisse
James Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Thige
Kate Fitzgerald Boyd
Lesley Fox
Michael Boyd
Mwikali Ndambo
Nicky Fitzgerald
Ryan Brown
Shannon Davis
Steve Fitzgerald
Steve Mitchell
Stratton Hatfield
Sue van Winsen
Tyler Davis

Featured Story

Rotating Chooks – not Roasting Chooks 30 October 2018 Who would have thought that three years in we'd be designing and implementing chicken coops in our very own Shamba? Never a dull moment at Angama Mara... By Ian Dommisse
Two Stories – One Island 4 September 2018 Tyler and Tammy both share their love of the Spice Island By Tyler Davis & Tammy Porter
Going Going and so nearly Gone 24 April 2018 On the same day each year for the past four years we have photographed our lodge from the same angle and 2018 found Tyler bushwhacking where once there was nothing but mud By Tyler Davis
Angama of 1000 Days 15 August 2017 On 12 August 2014 the first peg was hammered into the ground and Steve Fitzgerald reminisces what it took to build Angama Mara in just over 10 months By Steve Fitzgerald
It’s Calabash O’ Clock in our Shamba 18 July 2017 Ian Dommisse writes about his return visit to a “project of a lifetime”, explains the design inspiration behind the Calabash Garden and shares a story that captures the passion of the Angama shamba team By Ian Dommisse
Why Spinning Tops Don’t Get Dizzy 20 December 2016 Experience Angama Mara through the eyes of Marina Greaves, one half of the duo who created Angama Mara's signature brand By Marina Greaves
Snakes & Ladders 7 November 2016 Take Two on Our Shamba - Ian Dommisee returns to Angama Mara to see how his beautifully designed Shamba has taken shape since his last visit to the lodge By Ian Dommisse
A Little Shamba Chaos 5 July 2016 Architect Ian Dommisse tells us about his 'dream come true' project and shares the brief as well as some of his inspiration for the beginnings of Angama Mara’s Shamba By Ian Dommisse
Then & Now: A Year of Miracles 12 April 2016 Who would have thought just twelve months ago, in April 2015, our lovely lodge would make such an extraordinary recovery from Construction Catastrophe to this?   These ‘then’ pictures were snapped during a site visit between 6 – 10 April 2015. The fact we were just 10 weeks to opening hadn’t really dawned on us... By Nicky Fitzgerald
Where in the World is John? 13 January 2016 Annemarie Meintjes takes things to new heights photographing Angama Mara for VISI, making the cover and being named best magazine cover when it hit the street... By Annemarie Meintjes
When the Architects Finally Came to Town 2 December 2015 It was a powerful and slightly schizophrenic experience walking into Angama Mara for the first time. I had spent a year flying around a 3D digital model of the space, and finally being there was like jumping into that model and living in it. The schizophrenia came from all the conflicting emotions. I was torn... By Matt Millar
First Hand 26 May 2015 Nicky Fitzgerald writes about her experience in working with highly talented architect and creative genius Sylvio Rech and his ability to pick up just about any writing tool close to him and create exceptional, to scale designs By Nicky Fitzgerald
When the Scandinavians Came to Town 21 October 2014 Upon approaching Nairobi’s airspace one’s senses will be confronted with two strong sensations: the palpable aroma of the onboard plane food that reminds you of previous sins and the beautiful site of the puncturing Nairobi skyline. This dramatic vista is comprised of some sensational pieces of architecture – and some less desirable ones. The most... By Matt Millar
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