Angama Guest Experience

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East Africa Travel
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Alison Mitchell
Annemarie Meintjes
Azei Lago
Duncan Butchart
Ian Dommisse
James Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Thige
Kate Fitzgerald Boyd
Lesley Fox
Michael Boyd
Mwikali Ndambo
Nicky Fitzgerald
Ryan Brown
Shannon Davis
Steve Fitzgerald
Steve Mitchell
Stratton Hatfield
Sue van Winsen
Tyler Davis

Featured Story

A First Glimpse 12 January 2024 A creative director by trade and longtime friend of Angama, Austin Chow shares his initial impressions of Angama Amboseli By Guest Author
The Perfect Pairing 19 May 2023 No matter the time of day, at Angama there’s always something delicious to eat in a dazzling location — and of course, the perfect wine to go with it By Adlight Muhambi
No Checklist, No Agenda 16 March 2023 Fondly known as 'Mama Pat', Patricia Davidson recounts her long-awaited trip to the Mara and the healing power of nature By Guest Author
When Sam Came to Stay 19 October 2021 15-year-old Sam Bailyn had always dreamed of coming to Kenya. When he finally arrived, he spent much of his time in the Photographic Studio developing his passion for photography By Sam Bailyn
Running On The Wild Side 22 December 2020 Nicky Smith is not only one of our expert travel planners with Angama Safaris but also puts the rest of us to shame with her physical prowess and endurance. Following a recent trip to Angama, Nicky writes how our Kenyan team stepped in and for once put her through her paces By Nicky Smith
Faces of Angama 14 April 2020 Today's guest blog features behind-the-scenes images taken during a visit to Angama late last year, where the John Hafner and the GRITMEDIA team worked on exciting collaborative photographic and content creation projects By John Hafner
This Week At Angama #107 21 February 2020 This week we take a closer look at some of the more regularly encountered characters of the Mara Triangle. These are the days of their lives… By Adam Bannister
On the Wild Side 18 February 2020 Never a dull moment at Angama Mara and here we go again but this time something completely different. Well, not so different: same guiding excellence, same unparalleled game viewing, same warm Kenyan hospitality, same maverick approach to design, same delicious food, same sublime comfort but this time truly in the middle of nowhere By Nicky Fitzgerald
Visiting Roy’s Maasai Village 27 August 2019 A 14-hour flight and the Atlantic Ocean couldn’t stand in the way of a beautiful meeting between two Americans and the residents of a remote Maasai village By John Murray
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