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Running On The Wild Side

Nicky Smith is not only one of our expert travel planners with Angama Safaris but also puts the rest of us to shame with her physical prowess and endurance. Following a recent trip to Angama, Nicky writes how our Kenyan team stepped in and for once put her through her paces
Nicky and Robert begin their run at dawn in the muddy Maasai Mara
Nicky and Robert begin their run at dawn in the muddy Maasai Mara

As a triathlete, running in the Maasai Mara was an opportunity I would never have dreamed of. For the simple reason that running amongst the Big Five is near impossible, let alone the once-in-a-lifetime chance of running with a super-fit Maasai athlete.

I woke up to a typically beautiful Mara sunrise, my tented suite overlooking the endless plains of the Mara below - a misty gloom from the previous night’s heavy rains. This was going to be a muddy run!

Taking in the spectacular scenery of a run through the Mara
Taking in the spectacular scenery of a run through the Mara

Knowing that Kenya produces some of the world’s fastest endurance runners, I felt some trepidation at the prospect of meeting my running partner. But then I met Robert, a softly spoken Maasai who comes from a village nearby. We set off from the lodge and headed toward Angama Mara‘s airfield. After a few hundred metres, I realised we were running at a cracking pace. Whilst I managed to keep up with Robert, he jogged along making it look all too easy. I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold this pace the entire run, so I gently announced to Robert that my short little legs couldn’t keep up with him; he very graciously tapered off a bit.

As we got into a more comfortable rhythm, we began chatting about our lives. How old are you? Do you have children? Where is home? What kind of exercise do you do, and do you run competitively? The answers to our questions couldn’t have been more different, but here we were, brought together by a passion for running.

Running wild in the Maasai Mara
Running wild in the Maasai Mara
Plains game; zebra and giraffe congregate in the open space around the Angama airfield
Plains game; zebra and giraffe congregate in the open space around the Angama airfield

The run got a little more interesting as we headed into muddy territory in search of giraffe and zebra, Robert gently warning me to take care and not slip. We managed to get reasonably close to some giraffe and shared a few laughs as I almost landed on my butt in the mud a few times, but luckily, I escaped unscathed.

After being at Angama Mara for just 24 hours, a few lodge colleagues managed to convince me to take part in the ultra MARA-thon, which took place on Saturday, 12 December. This was one of the most incredible runs I have ever had the privilege of experiencing. The ultra-marathon is a total distance of 50kms, and I was part of a team of four women who each did one leg of 12,5km. I met my three teammates at the race briefing the night before, all of us clearly quite nervous at the prospect of running through Big Five territory. I was allocated the third leg of the race, which of course happened to be uphill!

Participants of the grueling MARA-thon Ultra Marathon
Participants of the grueling MARA-thon Ultra Marathon

The race started at 7:30am and from the outset, it was clear that it was going to be a hot day. By the time my Scottish teammate passed me the baton, we were sitting in second place in the women’s relay. Off I went to hunt down a new friend, Fran, who was the leading runner in the competing all-women team. I was no longer worried about coming across a buffalo, the heat, the elevation or the altitude. All I was focused on was getting ahead of Fran and getting our team into the lead. I also couldn’t wait for an ice-cold Tusker at the finish line. I managed to overtake Fran and handed the baton over to my Dutch teammate who was now in first position. However, Shannon Davis, my competitor and colleague powered through the last leg and her team took the win. It was so exciting!

Robert and Nicky, brought together by a passion for running
Robert and Nicky, brought together by a passion for running

Had someone told me a few months ago I would have the privilege of running with a Kenyan in the Maasai Mara I wouldn’t have believed them, but I certainly would have trained a lot harder. This is a memory that I will treasure forever – running with a Kenyan in the Maasai Mara.

Note from the editor

Nicky is not the only person to have been outrun by a Kenyan – many of our guests willingly subject themselves to the same fate in our Run With a Kenyan guest experience. They tell us that our Maasai staff don’t run, they float. For those brave enough to try this please be sure to pack your running shoes when you next come and stay.

Filed under: Inside Angama

Tagged with:

Angama Guest Experience , Angama Mara , Angama Team , Kenyan Beer , Run with A Kenyan , Walking Safari

About: Nicky Smith

Nicky Smith is one of Angama Safaris expert travel planners, based in the Johannesburg office. Her athletic prowess and endurance puts the rest of us to shame. Thankfully, when she visits the lodge our Kenyan running team steps in to put her through her paces.

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