Jeremiah’s Story
11 September 2018 | Giving Back | Jeremy Ole Moonka

My Name is Jeremy Ole Moonka. I live in a village school, 15 minutes away from Angama Mara. I have a lot of good friends at Angama but this special letter is to tell the story of how Angama Clinic saved my life through a new friend, Dr Obare.
During the interesting Russia FIFA World Cup, I joined two friends who invited me on my way from Kilgoris to follow a match before driving back home. This was an invitation that I did not accept immediately being very tired from driving on rough roads but my friends insisted that it was one of their favourite teams playing and that they had placed a bet, I should go help them cheer the match. After the match we all parted ways. As I was starting my car to drive home, two guys that were not familiar to me rushed to me mentioning my name saying I should help them with a ride as they were going my direction. I did not know them but I thought since I had room enough in the back seats of the car, they can ride along and alight when I get close to where they live.
These two guys seated at the back seat of my Land Rover TDI broke into some sort of argument which I really could not follow due to too much noise from the car because of the bad conditions of the road. Almost halfway home, I could hear that the argument was intensifying and there were loud bangs of the car doors, one of the guys trying to push the other one out. I stopped the car and immediately asked them what the matter was and why were they breaking into a fight? One guy had the Maasai olalem, a long knife-machete, in his hand and the other had oringa (a club) with an iron piece at the top. I did not believe they would really fight especially with these crude weapons.
I immediately held the guy who had the oringa by his belly and the one with the machete came running for his neck. Trying to reach for his friend, unfortunately he hit me from behind just right below my left ear with the machete causing a very serious cut that kept me unconscious for a few seconds. I remember finding myself on the ground and losing a lot of blood and I immediately thought of Angama! Being late in the night, I was not sure if I could make it driving there alone while holding my badly-cut wound with my handkerchief to reduce the bleeding. I could hear the screams and shouts from the two guys fighting, still chasing each other. I did not think about them anymore, I thought my life was priority at that moment.
I drove as fast as I could direction Angama. When I arrived at Engos village, something went wrong and I got a tyre-burst on my right-rear wheel. I had no strength to change the tyre but just lay down on my driver’s seat and waited for some angel somewhere for help. My phone’s battery was at the same time out.
Luckily a few minutes later, a small car that until today I do not know even know the driver’s name appeared out of nowhere. He saw my flat tyre and me bleeding and he did not even ask me any questions, he just knew I needed help and immediately helped me to his car and I shouted to him “Angama, Angama please, Angama Clinic” and he immediately drove there.
The unbelievable service of your professional askaris took me by a big surprise. I totally understand how strict they can be sometimes but as soon as they saw the car speeding towards the barrier next to the airfield, of course they stopped us asking the driver what the matter was and what he was coming to do at Angama in such late hours of the night. I told them I needed to see Dr Obare of Angama Clinic.
No more questions asked, they immediately called Dr Obare on the radio who reached the clinic in the middle of the night as fast as he could getting there before us, ready with his professional doctor’s gear.
When my eyes and his met, I could not hide the tears of joy, I knew I got another chance to live again. He did very well as that is what he is trained for and knows how to do, gently wiping the blood that was on the wound and all over my neck assuring me that it is not as bad as it looks or feels (though he very well knew it was a life threatening deep cut that almost reached my main blood vein located in the neck). He really knows and is experienced on how to handle patients with the kind words of giving hope. From his words, my heart-beat rate that was seeing death coming calmed down to normal.
After thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the wound, with his expertise, he made very nice stitches professionally around the wound stitching together the cut parts of the flesh and skin and you could hardly even notice the cut from a distance. What a life-saving situation, a God-sent clinic with a God-sent doctor. Until today, I refer to Dr Obare, a life-saver and always praying for him that he would save more lives like he saved mine. He dressed my wound very professionally and asked me to go back to the clinic after three days.
When I went back to the clinic Dr Obare had a close look at the wound and guess what, he literally took me to a mirror and said, “Look, you are healing faster my friend”. I was always afraid of looking at the wound for I thought I had lost the “handsome” me forever but actually it was healing super fast and within a week, all the stitches were slowly disappearing and I look like almost 98% before the cut.
Dr Obare wherever he may be has my blessings forever. A big thank you from the bottom of my heart, on behalf of many others like me who had their lives saved by the Great Angama-Clinic.
Our Community needs you…please keep up the good job Angama and you will always have the blessings in abundance. I hope one time to come and testify personally to what Angama-Clinic did to me.
Best regards to all and to especially to my new friend, the life saver – Dr Obare Jeremy Ole Moonka.
TAGGED WITH: Maasai Mara, Angama Team, People, Angama Mara, Angama Clinic, Giving Back, Maasai, Thank you
Francis Bagbey
September 11, 2018Great story but what happened to the two bad guys?
September 11, 2018Dr Jams (as we affectionately know him) is an amazing Doctor, he helped us so much on our visit recently to Angama when my fiancé had suspected kidney stones. A calm, kind, caring and very professional man.
REPLYPenny Skehan
September 12, 2018What an uplifting story written with such charm! Thank-you for sharing !
REPLYPrince Harris Pems Taga
September 12, 2018This absolutely the beautiful of impactful community intervention. Angama has always been in front in engaging in community activities. Thank You
REPLYNicky Fitzgerald
September 12, 2018Thank you for these kind words and for your encouraging and much appreciated support of Angama Mara