HOME Blog This Week At Angama #140

This Week At Angama #140

Natural history filmmakers and photographers from across the world gathered together (virtually) to share their love for the living planet, while a group of likeminded Kenyan creators gathered in the Mara to learn from each other and the wildlife surrounding them
A stunning sky – a signature look of the Mara
A stunning sky – a signature look of the Mara

The Jackson Wild Summit is a renowned film festival and international conference that takes place in Jackson Hole, in picturesque Wyoming. This year the conference was meant to take place in Austria, but Covid-19 ultimately meant that a virtual summit was the best way to go.

It was an incredible stroke of good fortune that Fiona Tande and Faith Musembi, both 2019 Fellows of the programme, approached Angama about hosting the very first Kenyan chapter of the Summit. Getting the go-ahead from our Co-founder and CFO, Steve Mitchell, led to several weeks of intense planning culminating in what has been the highlight of my year so far.

The sun rises in stunning fashion over the Mara
The sun rises in stunning fashion over the Mara f 9.0, 1/640, ISO320, 0.0

It’s always exciting for me to share the Mara with guests – everyone has such a different experience of it, which often helps me to see the Reserve in a completely new light.

Delegates of the Jackson Wild Summit (Kenyan chapter) working on their films
Delegates of the Jackson Wild Summit (Kenyan chapter) working on their films

This opportunity was particularly special as I got to see the Mara through the eyes of both budding and established natural history filmmakers.

A cheeky hyena tests his luck with an irate elephant
A cheeky hyena tests his luck with an irate elephant f 9.0, 1/210, ISO 400, 0.0
A male lion emerges from a thicket in the early morning glow
A male lion emerges from a thicket in the early morning glow f 6.3, 1/500, ISO100, -0.33. Photograph by Teeku Patel

And of course, our usual host of brilliant characters made a point to put on an incredible show, as only they could. The abundance that the Mara has to offer never fails to impress.

Birds of prey, predators and general game alike gave the delegates an abundance of wildlife content to film
Birds of prey, predators and general game alike gave the delegates an abundance of wildlife content to film
Wildebeest numbers continue to fluctuate, with record numbers appearing shortly after a lull
Wildebeest numbers continue to fluctuate, with record numbers appearing shortly after a lull f 9.0, 1/800, ISO 200, 0.0 - Photograph by Teeku Patel
Scenes like this, with thousands of wildebeest, are slowly diminishing
Scenes like this, with thousands of wildebeest, are slowly diminishing f 9.0, 1/1000, ISO 200, 0.0 - Photograph by Teeku Patel

In their typical unpredictable way, we had several days when it seemed that the wildebeest disappeared down towards the south, only for them to reappear tenfold shortly thereafter. They clearly aren’t ready to say goodbye to the Mara just yet and we are certainly happy to still have them around.

Ololashe and his new coalition mate rest peacefully, confident in their strength as a duo
Ololashe and his new coalition mate rest peacefully, confident in their strength as a duo f 7.1, 1/1000, ISO 200, +0.67 - Photograph by Teeku Patel

Lions also appear to have been bit by the travel bug as males move into new territories and form new coalitions, as is the case with Ololashe who lost his brother a little while back but now seems to have bounced back with a new coalition mate.

The flehmen response gives the impression that Bob Marley just heard a very funny joke
The flehmen response gives the impression that Bob Marley just heard a very funny joke f 6.3, 1/400, ISO 560, 0.0 - Photo by Teeku Patel
But when seen from a different angle, it looks quite the opposite
But when seen from a different angle, it looks quite the opposite f 6.3, 1/320, ISO400, 0.0 - Photo by Teeku Patel

This male with his distinctive upper lip is also new to the area having made his way from the Greater Mara – a significant distance away. He has been nicknamed “Bob Marley” and was hoping a female he was with could be potentially ready to mate. Though she didn’t seem to be interested at all, his flehmen response was quite a sight to behold.

A lioness surveys the landscape from her vantage point
A lioness surveys the landscape from her vantage point f 5.0, 1/1250, ISO 500, 0.0

Whenever I think I’ve felt every possible emotion in response to the drama unfolding on a daily basis in the Mara, a new experience adds to the list.

A trio of hippos soaks contentedly in the Mara River
A trio of hippos soaks contentedly in the Mara River f 5.6, 1/1250, ISO 500, 0.0

It was an incredible week of learning from the best of the best and working with an extremely talented group of filmmakers to tell impactful stories of the Mara. The film we made on Angama Mara guide, Sophie Sadera, is quite possibly one of my proudest achievements while here and I cannot wait to share it.

This Week A Year Ago

f 4.0, 1/800, ISO 200, -0.33 - Photograph by Adam Bannister

This time a year ago, these zebra got caught in a sudden storm and could only opt to nervously wait it out. [f 4.0, 1/800, ISO 200, -0.33] photograph by Adam Bannister

Filed under: This Week at Angama

Tagged with:

Bird Photography , LIons of Angama , Lions of the Mara , mara wildlife , Photographic Safari , Wildlife Photography

About: Mwikali Ndambo

From writing to chocolate making – Mwikali is happiest when using her creativity and working with her hands. Photography gives her the chance to do both in order to tell and share stories of the world around her as she assists in hosting the Angama Photographic Studio.

Browse all articles by Mwikali Ndambo Meet the angama team

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