Humans of Angama

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North Africa Travel
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Chai With Angama
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Inside Angama
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The Mara
East Africa Travel
Stories From The Mara
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All contributors
Alison Mitchell
Annemarie Meintjes
Azei Lago
Duncan Butchart
Ian Dommisse
James Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Thige
Kate Fitzgerald Boyd
Lesley Fox
Michael Boyd
Mwikali Ndambo
Nicky Fitzgerald
Ryan Brown
Shannon Davis
Steve Fitzgerald
Steve Mitchell
Stratton Hatfield
Sue van Winsen
Tyler Davis

Featured Story

Born to Run 5 May 2020 Far away from the rolling grasslands of the Mara, members of the Angama Running Club took to the streets of Nairobi along with hundreds of other runners to participate in the annual Beyond Zero Marathon By Mwikali Ndambo
The Mathematician in the Laundry Room 14 May 2019 With so many variables and speedy turnarounds, ensuring the laundry runs smoothly requires meticulous multi-tasking and a mathematical mind. This is a day in the life of Japhet Koech By Alison Mitchell
A Farmer at Heart 19 March 2019 Sowing and growing, seeding and weeding – it’s all in a day’s work for Shamba Keeper, Naliki By William Naliki Olais Lemeyian
The Heart of Angama Mara 28 January 2019 Kate Fitzgerald Boyd tells the story behind the second chamber in Angama Mara’s heart By Kate Fitzgerald Boyd
We Remember When … 14 June 2016 This lovely post was cobbled together from over 200 memories shared by the Angama Mara family in celebration of our first anniversary. By Kate Fitzgerald Boyd
My Children went on “Sforee” and Fell in Love 30 March 2016 Tamsyn Fricker took her children on their first real safari to Angama Mara and tells us about their adventure, all the Angama Mara activities and how her children quite simply fell in love By Tamsyn Fricker
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