HOME Blog This Week At Angama #131

This Week At Angama #131

This Week at Angama we bring you something different. Four world-renowned Kenyan photographers and documentary filmmakers came to stay to capture the Great Migration in their unique styles, bringing their fresh perspectives to the greatest show on Earth
The sunrise view from North Camp
The sunrise view from North Camp

We’ve had the pleasure this week of hosting Clement Kiragu, Mutua Matheka, Trevor Maingi, and Josh Kisamwa at the lodge. Although their photographic niches vary, they all share a common love for the place we at Angama call home - the Maasai Mara. Here’s this week’s experience in their own words.

Clement Kiragu, Mutua Matheka, Trevor Maingi, and Josh Kisamwa
Clement Kiragu, Mutua Matheka, Trevor Maingi, and Josh Kisamwa

Clement Kiragu

A dramatic and dusty river crossing
A dramatic and dusty river crossing f 5, 1/1000, ISO 20 0, 0.0

The 2020 Great Migration has arrived. I have been eagerly awaiting Kenya’s decision to re-open international travel and I was so excited when all this went to plan.

A female leopard stares out at us from the safety of the thicket
A female leopard stares out at us from the safety of the thicket f 6.3, 1/1000, ISO 4000, 0.0

As a wildlife photographer, location is everything. Once you decide on what you want to photograph, then you have to be at the right place at the right time - and that means staying at the right lodge.

A herd of zebra on the move
A herd of zebra on the move f 16, 1/20, ISO 100, 0.0

I knew I wanted to photograph the Great Migration as the wildebeest crossed the Mara River during the ‘golden hour’. This meant I needed to be on location in the Mara Triangle to make it on time to capture the morning light.

Endless sightings of predator interaction
Endless sightings of predator interaction f 6.3, 1/640, ISO 1250, 0.0

Staying at Angama Mara has given me the opportunity to be at the perfect spot in just 45 minutes. During this trip I have been able to take some of my best Migration images since taking up wildlife photography in 2014. It’s been a wonderful week and I look forward to the next five days.

A marabou stork takes flight
A marabou stork takes flight f 6.3, 1/640, ISO 1250, 0.0

Josh Kisamwa

A morning yawn
A morning yawn f 6.3, 1/320, ISO 250, 0.0

It has been a while since I have been to the Maasai Mara and it is always exciting to be back.

Elephants at dawn
Elephants at dawn f 4.5, 1/2500, ISO 320, -0.67

You cannot exaggerate the beauty that nature offers while you are here, it is absolutely stunning.

The dramatic, every changing skies of the Maasai Mara
The dramatic, every changing skies of the Maasai Mara f 6.3, 1/400, ISO 320, 0.0
This year's river crossings have been unique
This year's river crossings have been unique f 6.3, 1/400, ISO 320, 0.0

Being away from the city and immersing yourself in the spectacle that is the Mara is priceless. The Maasai Mara offers wildlife, landscapes and a ‘golden hour’ beyond your wildest dreams.

Our guide, Dougie enjoying his photography
Our guide, Dougie enjoying his photography f 4.0, 1/320, ISO 500, 0.0

Angama Mara tops off your experience with friendly staff, thoughtful architecture and everything you could possibly need for a luxurious stay. I loved my trip to Angama and it will live on in my memories for a long time.

Mutua Matheka

Wildebeest and zebra cross the Mara River together
Wildebeest and zebra cross the Mara River together f 5.6, 1/500, ISO 100, -0.33

Before I say anything, I should admit that this was my first Migration experience. I didn’t expect it to be this magical though. Firstly, I didn’t know that zebra also cross with wildebeest. I noticed the zebra are much more cautious and seem to wait for each other and cross as a group.

Easy pickings for the Mara predators
Easy pickings for the Mara predators f 9, 1/320, ISO 100, 0

At one point, we were discussing how we hadn’t seen a crocodile kill despite having watched two crossings. Just 10 minutes later, we saw a crocodile swimming towards the wildebeest, managing to take one down.

The drama and the dust of a river crossing
The drama and the dust of a river crossing f 9, 1/320, ISO 100, 0

The day before we had seen three crossings. One of them was a long crossing of more than an hour, so a day later, I wasn’t expecting it to get much better. But then, the sun was shining through the dust, hitting the wildebeest as they crossed – the forth crossing we had seen at the most magnificent from a photographic perspective.

Sunrise in the Maasai Mara
Sunrise in the Maasai Mara f 8, 1/400, ISO 100, 0

I love sunrises and the idea of every day starting with such extreme beauty. Every sunrise I’ve seen in the Mara has been spectacular.

The variety of wildlife sightings in the Mara is inexplicable
The variety of wildlife sightings in the Mara is inexplicable f 8, 1/500, ISO 100, 0

We hadn’t seen many lion in the first two days and I was starting to get worried. But then Adam saw three lion, one of them feeding on a fresh zebra kill. It was truly one the most grotesquely beautiful things I’ve ever seen.

Trevor Maingi

We arrived at Angama Mara in style
We arrived at Angama Mara in style f 5.0, 1/240, ISO 400, 0.0

My epic experience from the moment we took to the skies, flying in style thanks to East African Air Charters. We landed and the welcome was amazing.

Note from the Editor: Read more about EAAC's beautiful Pilatus PC12 pictured above in last month's blog, "The Swiss Watch of the Kenyan Skies".

Experimenting with different framing techniques
Experimenting with different framing techniques f 4.0, 1/60, ISO 200, 0.0

One thing I love about nature is how unpredictable it is. One really can't plan for anything. The best you can do is always be ready.

A photographer's dream come true
A photographer's dream come true f 4.0, 1/1600, ISO 320, 0.0

I have been to the Mara a couple of times but this trip has been my favourite. Almost no cars and perfect light, everything was perfect.

Morning light shines a spotlight on the Mara River
Morning light shines a spotlight on the Mara River f 4.0, 1/1600, ISO 320, 0.0

The build-up to the crossing is one of my favourite parts about this time of year. It is completely unpredictable and you are never sure how long it will take the animals to cross. All you can do is sit and wait, hoping you'll be lucky.

Lions doing what they do best...snoozing
Lions doing what they do best...snoozing f 5.6, 1/640, ISO 160, 0.0

This is one of the most impressive prides of lion I've seen in a while, looking at them laze around was really a sight to behold, though I was hoping they would put on a show - a hunt, why not?

This Week Two Years Ago

Vultures at rest
Vultures at rest f 6.3, 1/1250, ISO 250

This time two years ago, after glutting on the washed-up carcasses a wake of vultures sat with their wings spread to help burn off the parasites in their feathers.

Filed under: This Week at Angama

Tagged with:

Great Migration , Kenyan Migration , Photographic Safari , Photography , Safari Photography , the great migration , The Greatest Maasai Mara , Wildebeest Migration , Wildlife Photography

About: Mwikali Ndambo

From writing to chocolate making – Mwikali is happiest when using her creativity and working with her hands. Photography gives her the chance to do both in order to tell and share stories of the world around her as she assists in hosting the Angama Photographic Studio.

Browse all articles by Mwikali Ndambo Meet the angama team

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Join the Conversation (6 comments)

Comments (6):


14 August 2020

Those photographs are simply stunning!

    Nicky Fitzgerald

    15 August 2020

    Thank you Nadia Be sure to receive our stories every Tuesday and Friday on our blog

Roderick Johnson

11 August 2020

I have to say Clement Kiragu's river crossing image is spectacular. He captured the mood of a crossing. The contrast of wildebeest perched looking down into the river beautifully backlit with the motion of the rest of the heard running in the shadows by the river is stunning. Really captures the chaos. I wish I had a shot like that in my collection.

    Kate Fitzgerald Boyd

    12 August 2020

    Thank you for these wonderful comments on Clement's photography. You are absolutely right that he captures the chaos of the moment beautifully

Mandy Young

7 August 2020

I can't wait to bring my guests to Angama Lodge and Safari Camp to view the magical Migration and for each participant to gain life-changing insights from their wildlife encounters. www.wildernessencountersafrica.com

    Kate Fitzgerald Boyd

    9 August 2020

    We so look forward to welcoming your clients Mandy

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