Josephat’s Book

6 September 2016 | Inside Angama |

Josephat Mwateri is a Camp Manager at Angama Mara. From rolling and unrolling umbrellas to making sure that guests are as happy as can be, this blogpost tells the story of a day in the life of Josephat.

My name is Josephat Mwateri and I am a Camp Manager at Angama Mara and this is a typical ‘day in my life’ …

My day in fact starts before my day. The very last thing I do before I go to sleep is refer to my little book to ensure I have my guest plan in place for tomorrow. I then ‘set my brain’ to wake me up at 5.30am sharp – it never let’s me down. I start each day with a prayer because I believe in God and following that I take a shower. Now I am ready.

Back to my book (Josephat’s Book) – what are my guests up to today? Who is going out early on safari? Who is arriving? Who is (sadly) departing? I pray my balloon guests who left camp at 5am are going to have a beautiful flight this morning.

Josephat morning activities

First stop is the turning circle where I check in with the night askaris that all is well in our little kingdom. No elephants around? Good. Guests all safe and sound? Even better. I can’t help myself but the very first thing I do when I enter the guest area is to make sure our long table is in a straight line. I always take a clockwise direction: check the armoire’s lights are off, pop into the cloakroom, stroll through the library where there are always books to be straightened, scope out the butler’s pantry and finish up on the deck as the sun is rising.

Josephat attending to the detail

I greet my early guests and wish them well on safari having first chatted to their guide to find out what his plan for them is. I work very closely with the guiding team here – they are a good source of information on how my guests are enjoying their stay. As I walk back into the lodge I unroll and reroll the umbrellas – God is in the detail here.

Josephat's breakfast

I check in with Chef for the daily breakfast dish then I rush to the canteen for breakfast: brown bread, tea no sugar, sweet potatoes and bananas – big breakfast as I often miss lunch. Back to the lodge and final check on the butlers on their breakfast set up. Over to them and now I can go quietly through the lodge day sheet – without this I am powerless. It’s always in my book.

Josephat midday activities

11.30 is tent-check-time: children arriving so remove the alcohol and replace with fresh juice; twin bed set up as requested; reset the guests’ safe; and final wipe down with my famous yellow cloth. I scoot back to the guest area to greet my new guests. First thing I point out the loo then the view. A quick briefing on the Mara Triangle below and while the guests are at a loss as to what to say because the view is so beautiful I tell them their days here with us are for them to spend as they please. They like that. We then do ‘Hello the Tent’ and I wait for them to come back for lunch (that’s why I often miss lunch – too much going on).

Preparing sundowner boma
I try and have a mid afternoon quick lie-down before an early evening shower and it’s off to the Maasai Boma I go. I love our Boma and watching our guests’ expressions when the warriors arrive. Dinner is served and I wish my guests ‘lala salama’ and head back to my room.

You guessed it – the last thing I do before I switch off the light is to check my book for tomorrow’s plan ….

Josephat's Book

AUTHOR: Nicky Fitzgerald

After more than 30 years in hospitality, starting with a small hotel at the foot of Africa and followed by a further couple of Cape hotels, most notably The Bay, and sixty plus safari lodges across Africa and India, Nicky has served more meals, puffed more cushions, filled more beds, trained more staff and opened more properties than she cares to remember. After a few comebacks as CEO of Angama, Nicky has now embraced retirement at last, with nothing better to do than roam Africa with dear friends—though she remains a delightfully opinionated member of the board.

Damian McCabe
September 6, 2016

My family met Josephat when we visited Angama in March of this year for my daughters 18th birthday. He was a very caring and knowledgeable man and his actions are mirrored by all the staff here. We had an amazing stay and lol forward to returning.

    Nicky Fitzgerald
    September 6, 2016

    What a lovely message – thank you so much Damian

Bunny and Peter
September 6, 2016

What a busy day you have Josephat. We can’t wait to meet you in February. Peter, Bunny and family!

    Nicky Fitzgerald
    September 6, 2016

    Thanks so much Peter and Bunny – Josephat and team looks forward to welcoming you all soon

    Nicky Fitzgerald
    September 9, 2016

    Your beds are made!

September 6, 2016

Josephat, it was a pleasure meeting you. We reaped the benefits of your dedication to Angama Mara’s guests during our stay June 2016. My mind wanders to our incredible experience every day. Thank you .

    Nicky Fitzgerald
    September 9, 2016

    Thanks so much Yvonne – we love hearing from our guests

September 7, 2016

Yes Gary and I also had the pleasure of meeting you. Enjoyed reading ‘what goes on behind the scenes’ . We had an amazing time with Kate, and Mike and ANGAMA family! Keep up the good work.

    Nicky Fitzgerald
    September 9, 2016

    Hi Sheena and Gary
    Was it really way back in March when you came to stay?
    Thank you for your lovely message

Ann Patterson
September 15, 2016

My husband Patrick and I are looking forward to our 8 day stay @ Angama in late October and to meeting the staff and making new friends!

    Nicky Fitzgerald
    September 16, 2016

    Hello Ann
    Lovely hearing from you and yes, to be sure, we are waiting for you and Patrick with arms open wide!
    Warm regards
    The Angama Family

Nicholas Rotich
September 23, 2016

Despite that I’ve not been to your camps, it sounded much interesting, based on page galleries it’s site nobody need to miss. Looking forward be part of your team.

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