Tried as I may I simply cannot find out more about this lodge other than being charmingly described as having ‘19 thatched guest rondavels designed to create the feel of an African village’ where the rooms have been ‘simply and attractively decorated using natural local materials. Each cottage is divided into double rooms therefore it can accommodate up to 38 guests. There is a box seat for the wildlife and to get there by SUV from Nairobi takes 8 hours’.
Does anybody know what ‘a box seat’ for the wildlife actually is?
Fifteen years ago, the first time I ever went to Olkurruk, I found nothing but burnt-out ruins. I am told it was destroyed by fire in 1997. There are legends a-plenty as to the cause of the fire but suffice to say nothing but the foundations was left. For years and years we crunched our way through the debris dreaming of what actually could be built here one day.
There were quaint notices, loos with aloes growing out of them, path numbers painted on stone directing you to nothing more than concrete plinths overgrown and desolate. The only inhabitants that I could find were some quizzical rock hyraxes who had made themselves quite comfy here amongst the wreckage.
And then on 12 August 2014 a new wind swept through Olkurruk and a new lease of life was breathed into this lovely place. The same beautiful views remain but a new name was chosen (covered in this blog post) and on 14 June 2015 Angama Mara will welcome guests to this extraordinary corner of Africa.
Perhaps the rock hyraxes will stop sulking and come back as our first honoured guests.
Filed under: Inside Angama
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Comments (17):
10 August 2018
Hi, I have just found your blog while revisiting my own "memory lane" of lodges in Kenya. We are planning a safari for 2019 to celebrate our 70th birthdays. We stayed at Olkurruk in 1996. I still dream of that spectacular view. It was with Kuoni on a safari they called "Out of Africa". I am so pleased that a new generation of safari lovers can get to see the Masai Mara from the escarpment once again. Sue
24 September 2017
If Olkurruk was destroyed by fire in 1997, then it must have been in the latter half of the year because my sister and I stayed there for 2 nights in July 1997. We booked through Kuoni travel which is based in Switzerland but which is one of Europe's leading travel companies and is very popular here in the U.K. We were on a safari holiday that took us to 4 lodges - Mara Sopa, Mara Serena, Olkurruk and Lake Nakuru Lodge. Olkurruk was indeed in a spectacular location. Facilities were a bit more basic than at other lodges but there was a lovely, homely feel to Olkurruk and you did feel closer to nature while staying there. I'm sad that it must have burnt down not long after we stayed there, but your new lodge sounds fantastic and I wish you every success. We have two friends who have never been on safari and who keep asking us to return to Kenya with them, so maybe we will return to that lovely spot very soon. Neil Emmott Manchester, England
15 December 2016
Ohhhh how wonderful to find this, I stayed in OlKurruk Lodge in 1995 of early 1996! I need to come back and enjoy the view again from your beautiful new lodge! Best of luck and hope to see you some time!
3 June 2015
I used to go there in the mid 1990s while on duty around Lolgorian. It was already abandoned by KTDC and i think UTC. The best location in the ecosyst. Best wishes for the opening and thereafter.
3 June 2015
Oh Nicky - what a wonderful story. These will be the luckiest and most pampered and indulged rock hyraxes in the entire East African region! Counting down the hours to your opening with much happy anticipation. Hugs to you, Fondly, Ken x
3 June 2015
May the lead up to launch be exciting and every bit overwhelming as it should be... may the delight on your first guests' faces warm your heart and paint a smile on your faces from ear to ear. May we get to see it for ourselves really soon. Goodluck, the Encompass Africa team here in Australia and South Africa wish you well and we are watching with great anticipation.
3 June 2015
We are so excited to be among your very first guests. Counting the days.......!
4 June 2015
I can't wait to see it! 15/6 seems so far off!
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