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Bringing It to Life

From its natural inspirations to the Angama threads that carry through, get a peek into the project the team has been working tirelessly on — Angama Amboseli
Above: The Guest Area of Angama Amboseli
Above: The Guest Area of Angama Amboseli

Playful, humble, mysterious, bold — these are the words that come to mind when asked to describe the character of Angama Amboseli. The personality of the lodge has developed from the place, the views, the experience — and most importantly the feelings it gave us — which lead to the design and overall look and feel. Of course, the lodge itself will be influenced hugely by the team who will welcome our guests and make it home.

How many odes to an elephant does it hold?
How many odes to an elephant does it hold?

The great elephants of Amboseli have, without a doubt, been our greatest inspiration and influenced everything from tent design to colours, fabrics, furniture — even the material of our walls. Annemarie Meintjes (Angama's design consultant) and I share a love of elephants so it’s been a great joy to indulge ourselves in all things ellie, celebrating everything about these gentle giants. They are endlessly fascinating, from their deeply textured skin to their interestingly shaped feet, the way they can be fierce one moment and frivolous the next. This spirit also lead us to create a place for children and families — you won’t find a sharp edge anywhere on the property but you will find many areas for children to explore, experience and play.

One of Alison's mood boards highlighting the natural inspirations
One of Alison's mood boards highlighting the natural inspirations
Another with a sneak peak at design elements
Another with a sneak peak at design elements

Our other great inspiration was the ever-looming Mount Kilimanjaro, the 'shy mountain'. She is very mysterious and full of surprises, showing herself fully some days, peeking out for only a moment the next. Her size is truly humbling and we knew that just like in the Mara with the endless view of the sky and the plains from your bed, we needed to be able to see her from every guest tent. That was a non-negotiable.

There are a number of other elements that have journeyed with us from the Mara to Amboseli: nods to architectural and design elements, amenities and the food and experience philosophies. Guests will recognise the modern simplicity of our tents, the 'help yourself' concept of our armoire, our much-loved baraza and the hand of our linens. Hopefully, guests will also recognise the same attention to detail, from the way we have carefully selected every single item, always considering how it will make them feel, how it can enhance their experience and provide them with a deep sense of being cared for.

The swimming pool where ellies will have their own drinking trough to cool off with
The swimming pool where ellies will have their own drinking trough to cool off with

We want to delight our guests in new ways. We want them to feel safe to explore, to observe, to play, to laugh, to connect, to paint. We want them to be able to view Kili whenever she’s out and feel humbled and inspired to learn about this very precious ecosystem, help them to connect with their surroundings, their friends and family, and by doing so, with themselves. 

Perhaps most of all though, guests will feel the familiarity of the Angama Way. We are the same team that strives to look after guests day in and day out, delivering the experience of a lifetime through meaningful interactions with people and nature in this incredible wildlife sanctuary.

Notes from the Editor:

We officially open our doors in November 2023 and are so looking forward to welcoming you. In the meantime, you can find more information on our website, or sign up for our newsletter for more updates.

Filed under: Stories from Amboseli

Tagged with:

Amboselli , Amboselli National Park , Angama Design , Kenyan Design

About: Alison Mitchell

Ali was the mastermind behind 'the look' of Angama for many years, ensuring everything is up to Angama standard. In her spare time, she also manages three other special projects — a set of twins and their younger brother — on the beautiful Kenyan coast.

Browse all articles by Alison Mitchell Meet the angama team

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Comments (3):

John Kiruthi

30 June 2023

It's a treasure trove. Very exquisite for lack of a better word. Am impressed as an hotelier with bush experience. From the colour combination and again being able to overlook the highest point in Africa enjoying natural beauty is a key selling point. Keep it up!

    Charlotte Ross Stewart

    3 July 2023

    Dear John, Thank you for you message and encouragement — it means so much to us. We are all looking forward to watching Angama Amboseli come to life in the next few months as we eagerly anticipate the opening. Thanks, Charlotte

William Mack

30 May 2023

Since being on my first Safari in Feb. 2023 with my wife , son and daughter-in-law, it's with great anticipation I await the Info Newsletters from ANGAMA. I so thoroughly enjoy the stories, updates and pictures that you all provide. Thank you so much for all that you put into the end product. You can be so proud !

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