So now we have the Perfect Bath and Fabulous French Furniture for the outdoors, both just right for relaxing and watching hot air balloons sail by.
But hunting down campaign furniture on elegant legs or castors for the rest of Angama Mara is another long story.
We knew exactly what we are looking for. The whole team had the same clear vision of what the lodge interiors should look like, starting with absolutely NO scatter cushions whatsoever anywhere at all … not even one (tiny one).
I am not sure when scatter-cushions-by-the-thousands caught on? Every possible seating or sleeping area became smothered overnight by over-stuffed scatters of all shapes and sizes: bright colours, generously embellished with beads and feathers, accented with a few animal prints and not to forget real skins to add that touch of wild.
I often sneak off to take a catnap before dinner before the butlers do the turndowns and miraculously make the army of scatters disappear. I have still not worked out how it is properly done - except to simply scatter them all over the floor. And as for our poor exhausted guests – they dash back to their tents after lunch for an afternoon whatever but by the time they have completed scatter cushion management … enough said. And have you seen what most men do to scatters on sofas? They sit down, turn around, glare at the offending scatter, hoink it out from behind them and drop it contemptuously on the floor.
So rest assured at Angama Mara you will not find a single scatter cushion. We have declared - as one - Death to the Scatter Cushion!
PS – did you know Requiescat In Pace is Latin for Rest in Peace? We certainly didn’t …
PPS – poor scatter cushions
Filed under: Safari Style
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