Robinson Gitonga

Robinson Gitonga is a 19 year old hailing from Nairobi Kenya. The youngest in the team, he handles the business side of their company. He considers himself a creative thinker who is always coming up with interesting ideas that may sometimes seem a little bit extreme. His pet peeve would probably be time wasters – he hates it when people do not keep time and this applies to himself too.
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The Mara
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Alison Mitchell
Annemarie Meintjes
Azei Lago
Duncan Butchart
Ian Dommisse
James Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Thige
Kate Fitzgerald Boyd
Lesley Fox
Michael Boyd
Mwikali Ndambo
Nicky Fitzgerald
Ryan Brown
Shannon Davis
Steve Fitzgerald
Steve Mitchell
Stratton Hatfield
Sue van Winsen
Tyler Davis

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