Hot Air Balloon

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Alison Mitchell
Annemarie Meintjes
Azei Lago
Duncan Butchart
Ian Dommisse
James Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Thige
Kate Fitzgerald Boyd
Lesley Fox
Michael Boyd
Mwikali Ndambo
Nicky Fitzgerald
Ryan Brown
Shannon Davis
Steve Fitzgerald
Steve Mitchell
Stratton Hatfield
Sue van Winsen
Tyler Davis

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This Week at Angama #193 15 October 2021 Even those that have spent months in the Mara can be surprised by a new perspective — which is exactly what happened to Eric this week as he took to the skies for the first time By Eric Averdung
This Week At Angama #177 25 June 2021 Love is in the air. Perhaps it’s the excitement from the soon-to-begin Migration that has everything from leopards to puffadders mating across the Mara By Adam Bannister
This Week At Angama #146 20 November 2020 While Adam is out in the field with guests, Laura writes about how the rest of us are left daydreaming about the emerald grasslands of the Mara, wishing Covid away so that we can race back there to enjoy it ourselves By Laura Goldsworthy
This Week At Angama #143 29 October 2020 Ticking off a bucket-list item this week, Mwikali discovered there’s nothing quite like a gravity-defying outlook to re-invigorate one’s heart for the magnificent Maasai Mara By Mwikali Ndambo
This Week At Angama #87 4 October 2019 Heavy overnight rains have come, bringing with them the great wildebeest and zebra herds. These herds had already started their migration south, but the promise of more grazing has caused them to turn around – incredible moments await By Adam Bannister
This Week At Angama #77 26 July 2019 The river is the lifeblood of the Mara ecosystem – from a hot air balloon, it looks tranquil and calm, but down on the ground, things couldn’t be more different By Adam Bannister
This Week At Angama #57 8 March 2019 The much-needed light rains have started to fall. Glorious afternoon thundershowers have turned the Mara into a carpet of green. It’s the Emerald Season and the Mara looks spectacular By Adam Bannister
This Week At Angama #5 6 March 2018 A miracle happens when you add water to the land. Soaking rains this week brought the Maasai Mara to life and provided wonderful photographic canvases By Adam Bannister
This Week At Angama #3 22 February 2018 Fire, feeding frenzy and 'I see you, you see me’ between a lioness and a giraffe, and that classic lone-tree-in-the-grasslands shot all captured on This Week at Angama By Adam Bannister
So this is what Africa looks like from up here 23 January 2018 A hot-air ballooning virgin finally understands what eagles experience as they float above the great plains of the Maasai Mara By Adam Bannister
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