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Members of the broader Angama family — be it guests, agents, suppliers, friends — contribute to the blog from time to time. We love to share their stories, too.
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Alison Mitchell
Annemarie Meintjes
Azei Lago
Duncan Butchart
Ian Dommisse
James Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Thige
Kate Fitzgerald Boyd
Lesley Fox
Michael Boyd
Mwikali Ndambo
Nicky Fitzgerald
Ryan Brown
Shannon Davis
Steve Fitzgerald
Steve Mitchell
Stratton Hatfield
Sue van Winsen
Tyler Davis

Latest Story

A First Safari Foray 10 May 2024 The safari experience is not easy to describe to the unacquainted but here is a first-person view from newcomers to Africa, Paul and Claudia Taskier By Guest Author
Picnic with the Pride 3 May 2024 A longtime friend of Angama, Simon Beck, joined us for a Monday morning picnic breakfast in the Mara which was very rudely interrupted By Guest Author
Art in the Wild 26 April 2024 Repeat Angama guest-turned-friend, Pat Davidson shares her passion for art with the Angama team By Guest Author
Of Birds and Butterflies 22 March 2024 Friend of Angama and lover of the bushveld, South African Simon Rosholt is reminded of the tough decision a would-be birder once faced By Guest Author
Rain, Rain, Come Again 16 February 2024 Amidst November’s green grasses, Lesley Mallows reunites with friends of 50 years at Angama Mara By Guest Author
Going Green 26 January 2024 On his most recent visit, budding photographer and regular guest, Sam Bailyn, walks away with a different appreciation for a new time of year By Guest Author
A First Glimpse 12 January 2024 A creative director by trade and longtime friend of Angama, Austin Chow shares his initial impressions of Angama Amboseli By Guest Author
Steered Toward Safety 27 October 2023 Employing data and technology, Mara Elephant Project are keeping elephants and people safe with the help of drones By Guest Author
The Full Picture 20 October 2023 One of Book Bunk's literary knights, Marion Anvango, comes to Angama Mara to help set the stories straight By Guest Author
From Farm to Fork 11 August 2023 There is something special about picking the fresh ingredients for your next meal — for one guest and photographer, Michelle Ospino, it’s what truly sets good food apart By Guest Author
Immersed in Nature’s Palette 20 July 2023 Nearly two years on, New Zealand-based artist Simon Max Bannister finally sees his work come to life in Angama Mara's Map Room By Guest Author
A Reunion in the Wild 29 June 2023 Five years after their first visit, a special group reunites at Angama Mara to pay tribute to the late safari photographer Klaus Tiedge By Guest Author
Before and After 10 June 2023 Dhir Jakharia, a young Nairobi-based photographer, visits the Photographic Studio and shares some tips on how to edit eye-catching photos By Guest Author
City Kids No More 6 April 2023 From the city zoo to the plains of the Maasai Mara, this is how Preeti and Prashant Chacko became award-winning wildlife photographers By Guest Author
No Checklist, No Agenda 16 March 2023 Fondly known as 'Mama Pat', Patricia Davidson recounts her long-awaited trip to the Mara and the healing power of nature By Guest Author
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