Duncan Butchart

Duncan Butchart is an all-round naturalist who has worked in conservation and ecotourism projects in eleven African countries. He has authored and illustrated several books on wildlife and has written numerous popular articles for periodicals such as ‘Travel Africa’ and ‘African Birding’. In 2014, he received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of the Witwatersrand for his interactive work with African safari guides and his contribution to the conservation of vultures and other species. He never goes anywhere without his camera, notepad or sketchbook, relaying his observations through illustrated articles and blog postings.
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The Mara
East Africa Travel
x Duncan Butchart
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Alison Mitchell
Annemarie Meintjes
Azei Lago
Duncan Butchart
Ian Dommisse
James Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Thige
Kate Fitzgerald Boyd
Lesley Fox
Michael Boyd
Mwikali Ndambo
Nicky Fitzgerald
Ryan Brown
Shannon Davis
Steve Fitzgerald
Steve Mitchell
Stratton Hatfield
Sue van Winsen
Tyler Davis

Latest Story

How the Mara got its Spots 18 December 2015 From Balanites to Desert Dates, artist and naturalist Duncan Butchart shares his great insight on the trees in the Maasai Mara and the meaning behind the reserve's name By Duncan Butchart
Blue Blood – Peter Beard and the End of the Game 31 August 2015 Duncan Butchart tells us about one of the more interesting encounters in his life, a meeting with photojournalist Peter Beard and here writes about his life and purpose By Duncan Butchart
Simply Superb 5 May 2015 What’s in a Name? . . a bird’s name, that is . . . Nothing seems to get a birdwatcher more ruffled than when he or she finds out that a bird’s name has changed. In days of yore (i.e. about five years ago) this news would only come to light when a new edition... By Duncan Butchart
Mara Mambo 24 March 2015 Duncan Butchart is an author, illustrator and all-round naturalist and shares his fascination with Africa’s exquisite Grey Crowned Crane, including the intense courtship rituals and extraordinary mating dance By Duncan Butchart
Majestic Hunter – The Martial Eagle 17 February 2015 When a Martial Eagle – perched on top of one of the lonely thorn trees in the Mara – looks down at you with its piercing ambers eyes, you can feel its presence and power. ‘Majestic’ is an adjective tossed around all too frequently when describing birds of prey, but it is difficult to come... By Duncan Butchart
Kiboko the Hippo 6 January 2015 Mention the Maasai Mara, and images of wildebeest herds desperately trying to avoid the snapping jaws of crocodiles spring immediately to mind. And thanks to Jonathan Scott and the legion of photographers and cinematographers that have followed him, the Mara is also recognised as offering unparalleled viewing of lions, cheetah and leopards. Elephants are here... By Duncan Butchart
The Closest Shave 18 November 2014 Duncan Butchart gives an exciting account of a lion hunt, an extremely close shave and what must surely be the luckiest little warthog in all the Mara By Duncan Butchart
Strictly Come Bobbing 16 October 2014 Duncan Butchart writes about the extraordinary mating dance of the Jackson's Widowbird and compares it to the traditional jumping dance of the young Maasai warriors By Duncan Butchart
Spot the Cats 18 September 2014 Duncan Butchart ponders about what animals people really want to see when on an African safari and decides that the ultimate prize is in fact spots on the coat of a leopard or cheetah By Duncan Butchart
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