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Where Cows and Conservation Co-exist

On a short visit to Ol Pejeta, Adam Bannister was struck by the diversity Kenya has to offer as well as the progressive measures the country is taking to protect it's wildlife and wilderness areas

Filed under: The Mara

Tagged with:

Anti-Poaching , Conservation , Giving Back , Maasai Mara , Ol Pejeta , Poaching , sustainability

About: Adam Bannister

A South African-trained biologist, safari guide, author, filmmaker and photographer, Adam is, above all else, a gifted storyteller. After spending the past 10 years working in some of the world’s most beautiful wild places – the Sabi Sand Game Reserve in South Africa, Rajasthan in India, Brazil’s Pantanal, and the rainforests of Manu National Park in Peru – he is delighted to share his stories of one of the loveliest game reserves of them all, the Maasai Mara.

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