This Week At Angama

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Alison Mitchell
Annemarie Meintjes
Azei Lago
Duncan Butchart
Ian Dommisse
James Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Thige
Kate Fitzgerald Boyd
Lesley Fox
Michael Boyd
Mwikali Ndambo
Nicky Fitzgerald
Ryan Brown
Shannon Davis
Steve Fitzgerald
Steve Mitchell
Stratton Hatfield
Sue van Winsen
Tyler Davis

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This Week at Angama #318 16 March 2024 As new predators enter the scene in both Amboseli and the Mara, some drama is sure to follow. Meanwhile, the birds are enjoying all kinds of meals By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #301 11 November 2023 As the clouds roll in over the Mara we're treated to cats in trees, and in Amboseli we meet the Super Tusker Craig for the first time By The Photographic Studios
This Week at Angama #281 23 June 2023 In a dramatic week, a mother hippo is left helpless and a baby giraffe can't keep up. Meanwhile, Ruka and Rafiki have nothing to show for their efforts (again) By Sammy Njoroge
An Elephant Never Forgets 23 December 2022 There is something both beautiful and spiritual when you look over the Mara — as Ian witnessed in the Garden of Remembrance By Ian Dommisse
This Week At Angama #210 11 February 2022 Despite years of photographing and living in the Mara, Adam Bannister is still finding fresh perspectives to admire it from By Adam Bannister
This Week at Angama #191 1 October 2021 After a hiatus from the bush and a much-needed break to rekindle some inspiration, this week marked Eric’s return to the Mara, which left him in awe once again By Eric Averdung
This Week at Angama #189 17 September 2021 One of the joys of This Week at Angama is reviewing the stories captured in images and being able to compare them to the years before. For Adam, the rhythms of the Mara are reassuring By Adam Bannister
This Week at Angama #188 10 September 2021 This week Eric managed to fulfil not one, but two lifelong photographic ambitions, while the misty landscape took the sense of mystery to the next level By Eric Averdung
This Week at Angama #185 20 August 2021 What goes on in a gnu’s brain? This Migration Season reinforces just how much these animals live up to their collective noun – an implausibility – as they continue to behave in perplexing ways By Robert Sayialel
This Week At Angama #183 6 August 2021 Migration Season is in full swing, with some of the biggest herds ever witnessed stretching as far as the eye can see. While the focus is mainly on the wildebeests and zebras, there is a lot going on with the Triangle’s year-round resident wildlife By Eric Averdung
This week at Angama #182 30 July 2021 The newest members of Angama's Photographic Studio, Robert and Eric, documented This Week at Angama, discovering a few of the unimaginable scenes that unfold every day By Robert Sayialel
This Week At Angama #181 23 July 2021 The arrival of the Great Migration has a knock-on effect that changes the behaviours of the Mara’s usual characters, making for unexpected discoveries around every corner By Douggy Onsongo
This Week At Angama #179 9 July 2021 It’s high season at the lodge and everyone is running to and fro, but like time, the Mara waits for no one. To the relief of those of us sitting in cities with pigeons and pomeranians, here is our wildlife fix By Charlotte Ross Stewart
This Week At Angama #177 25 June 2021 Love is in the air. Perhaps it’s the excitement from the soon-to-begin Migration that has everything from leopards to puffadders mating across the Mara By Adam Bannister
This Week At Angama #176 18 June 2021 The Mara River, the lifeblood of this remarkable reserve, takes centre stage this week, as herds of zebra gather along its banks. Daily they run the gauntlet - dicing with death By Adam Bannister
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