Maasai Olympics

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Alison Mitchell
Annemarie Meintjes
Azei Lago
Duncan Butchart
Ian Dommisse
James Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Thige
Kate Fitzgerald Boyd
Lesley Fox
Michael Boyd
Mwikali Ndambo
Nicky Fitzgerald
Ryan Brown
Shannon Davis
Steve Fitzgerald
Steve Mitchell
Stratton Hatfield
Sue van Winsen
Tyler Davis

Featured Story

The Greatest Winner of Them All 9 July 2019 The bi-annual Maasai Olympics is not only one of Kenya’s most celebrated cultural events, but also a mechanism to safeguard the country’s lion population. Tyler Davis and Jospeh Kosen attended to find out who would be named the ultimate winner By Tyler Davis
Maasai Games of the XXXI Olympiad 16 August 2016 When Angama Mara received a request for a team-building event for 40 very competitive Australians, we turned to the Maasai Olympics for inspiration. A program of spear-throwing, rungu-throwing and Maasai jumping was planned and the encouraging and congratulatory cries heard in Maa and Aussie English proved the day a great success. By Tyler Davis
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