HOME Blog When 100 Pictures Say 3 Words

When 100 Pictures Say 3 Words

How does a team built on joy, respect, courage and Ubuntu wish their ‘Mama’ a very happy birthday? Brilliantly and beautifully is how
Above: A cape as dazzling as 70 years well lived
Above: A cape as dazzling as 70 years well lived

After having planned more retirement and birthday parties for Nicky (aka our Founder, aka Mum to me) than I have for myself (birthdays, not retirements), I was, of course, tasked to lead the charge of her birthday wishes from Angama.

On February 26th this year, 'Mama Nicky' turned 70. A few days before, in an attempt to rally one or two messages of well wishes, I appealed to the team to take a ‘selfie’ holding up a sign that said 70 and post it on our company-wide WhatsApp chat, of which she is still a member.

When you ask for selfies but get these works of art
When you ask for selfies but get these works of art

Early that morning, I posted mine, which I thought was exceptionally creative, especially since I had outsourced the colouring to Nicky’s beloved 5-year-old granddaughter (I was sure to win at my own game) to encourage the rest of the team to post their messages, too.

What ensued throughout that day was one of the most beautiful moments of love, creativity, and visual representation of a beautiful company (nay, family) culture that I have seen. The pictures started to flood in, each one celebrating Mama Nicky in their own unique way, with a quirky sense of humour and gentle one-up-man-ship.

There's no limit to the love (or creativity)
There's no limit to the love (or creativity)

Every time my phone pinged that day, the biggest smile broke across my face — the selfies were beautiful, funny, creative, and perfect.

They didn’t need to say more. Those 100 pictures said it all.

Happy Birthday, Mama.

Note from the Editor:

When Mama Nicky finally hit Kenyan soil as a septuagenarian, the Angama Amboseli team went one step further in arranging the ultimate selfie as Nicky was flown over the Amboseli Airfield… Below was her final 70, made out of the team who loved her.

After all, it’s the people of this company that make us who we are. The people first. Always.

Catching flights and birthday vibes
Catching flights and birthday vibes

A Note from Mama Nicky:

Reaching three score and ten came with its fair share of raised eyebrows (mine included), but nothing could have prepared me for the overwhelming love that arrived from my Angama family. Over 100 images — each one a masterpiece of care, mischievous humour, and creativity — hit my WhatsApp, each a ‘gift’ of Seven Oh crafted from the tools of their daily work.

Here's to many more years and celebrations
Here's to many more years and celebrations

From towel folds that would make the head housekeeper from the Savoy green with envy, to wondrously arranged vegetables, from medical instruments to maintenance gear, even the security team joined in with bullets and handguns (safely, of course). I laughed. I cried. And I marvelled — because this wasn’t just a birthday gift; it was a celebration of the extraordinary people who make Angama what it is. Their hands, their hearts, their sense of fun, their deep pride in their work — it was all there, woven into each photograph. Thank you for making this milestone one of the most unforgettable moments of my life. You are, and always will be, the very best part of this journey.

Filed under: Stories from Angama

Tagged with:

Angama Team , Celebration

About: Kate Fitzgerald Boyd

Kate was born in a chafing dish – well almost. The date she was due to arrive was perilously close to Christmas and her mother wasn’t taking any chances so out she came just in time for a decent Christmas dinner to be served to the guests at the hotel of her childhood. Back-of-house babies, they call them. And she has never looked back and now logs more air miles than she knows what to do with sharing the Angama story far and wide.

Browse all articles by Kate Fitzgerald Boyd Meet the angama team

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Sylvia Berman

23 March 2025

Only those that share beauty and respect receive beauty and respect. The many ways of celebrating your 70th says it all

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